Order a kit

We use this information to check that you are eligible for this service.

If you have any of the following symptoms, please contact your local clinic rather than ordering a test. These symptoms need urgent clinical assessment:
  • if you have female genitals and you have pelvic pain and/or unusual bleeding
  • if you have male genitals and you have large amounts of visible discharge from the penis
  • if you have male genitals and you have sudden onset of pain in the testicles.

Please confirm:

  • I agree to the terms and conditions
  • I am providing my own mobile phone number and email address
  • I am ordering for myself

To ensure clinical safety and confidentiality, you cannot order for someone else.

You cannot order for someone else. This is for safety and confidentiality. Only the person who is going to take the test can give us a full medical history and only the person who provided the sample should have access to the test result.